Spring, snuggly blankets and pretty cats ?

by Mar 25, 2021Uncategorized0 comments

This first week of spring has been a good one. My oldest son and I have driven back to where we used to live to see friends for the first time in a year. This last year it’s been just me, my husband and my two teenage boys, no friends and no family, as we moved from northern California to the south at the beginning of the pandemic, and as you know, my family are all in the UK and Australia. It’s been a long year and we’re long overdue for social time with other humans – even after tests, outside, at a distance and with masks.   I’ve spent the week giving away blankets I crocheted over winter, which I’ve been referring to as my covid blankets. My gifting has gone something like this:
“Hey, it’s so good to see you – have a covid blanket.”
They frown. Who wants a flippin’ covid blanket? ? Then they snuggle and smile, because cosy blankets help all things, don’t they?
Blankets stacked

I’ve been excited to give them away as people can once again gather outside with more ease and less risk, to spend time with friends and family.

Spring is a new season that’s met with greater hope, increased energy, and literally and metaphorically more light shed on everything. During these pandemic times, spring feels even more poignant as we face the prospect of some normality returning and less concern as access to vaccines grow and treatments for the disease get better.


So, as we head into what I hope will be a beautiful season, here’s a picture of my friend’s very pretty cat that I captured yesterday – cat pictures and blankets, never say I don’t deliver the goods ✌️

Cat in a Window
What will you be getting up to this spring? What do you hope to see happen, change, or develop in your life this season? I’d love to know.  
With love, daffodils and a deep well of hope,

This Month’s Recommendations

All of my recommendations are based on personal experience only and are unpaid, however, I will receive a commission for any books purchased through the bookshop.org links I provide for your convenience. All commissions received will be collated and donated to my chosen charities and funds every year.

Adult children of emtionally immature parents


Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-involved Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson. This book is so well written, easy to follow and offers many relatable examples that support greater understanding and healing for those who are tethered to parents who just don’t get it. 


Audrey (Netflix) – an insightful documentary about the life of  Audrey Hepburn, a woman I admire for so much more than her undeniable beauty. She was a true humanitarian. 

Audrey (Netflix)
Girl, Woman, Other


Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo – this was my favourite book of 2020, described as “a love song to modern Britain and black womanhood” – and it really is. It’s so thoughtful, poignant, funny and inspiring, a brilliant read. 



Hey Stranger by Thoraya Maronesy. I love the concept of this podcast. She sets up two chairs and a microphone in a park and invites people to sit for conversations. They’re fascinating!

Hey Stranger by Thoraya Maronesy
Let’s have a conversation. I’d love to hear your thoughts about what you just read, so please leave a comment below.


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