What can 2 minutes a day change?

What can 2 minutes a day change?

I wonder if you’re like many of the people who tell me they “wish” they read more? When I ask why they don’t read more the response is usually “I don’t have time.” Now, let me work some magic! For two minutes a day, just TWO minutes, you can add one book a year...
Spring, snuggly blankets and pretty cats ?

Spring, snuggly blankets and pretty cats ?

This first week of spring has been a good one. My oldest son and I have driven back to where we used to live to see friends for the first time in a year. This last year it’s been just me, my husband and my two teenage boys, no friends and no family, as we moved...
You are Effin Brilliant ✨

You are Effin Brilliant ✨

I’ve got something to say to you:   You’re effin ✨brilliant!✨ Seriously. That project you’ve been working on recently? It’s been done beautifully. You’re talented, and you’re onto something. You’ve got to keep going.   Please...
We Love a Tryer

We Love a Tryer

I was explaining to my son that I want his dad to take the unused trampoline apart as I’d tried and failed to do it myself. “Can I have a go?” He asked. “You won’t be able to do it, I’ve tried and can’t, so I don’t think you’ll be able to. Let’s wait for your dad.” I...